Hallo, ich habe diese Pflanze jetzt seit ein paar Wochen in der Wachstumsphase und sie zweimal gekappt (einmal misslungen, daher hat sie jetzt drei Spitzen). Wann sollte ich die Blütephase einleiten?
Die Sorte ist CBD Kush. Dutch Passion
Good morning and welcome.
When you want to start flowering depends on the final size you want.
Generally I would wait another 2 weeks after topping.
I don’t know how much room you have upwards… But I would let them grow for another 2-3 weeks.
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Hey @helpmegrowthisphoto,
we want to keep the forum in one language like it’s written in the Forum Rules in §11. For this reason it would be nice, if you translate your posts into german or search for native english growing communities.
Sorry and thank you,
Robert from Grow Guru